Reset Button

Colin’s second week of radiation was grueling: vomiting, utter fatigue, dangerous aspiration and an unexpected stay in the hospital. Continue reading Reset Button

Out of the Nest

Colin Mugging for the Camera at Le Bonheur
Colin Mugging for the Camera at Le Bonheur (Post-Ops)

Our little fledgling has returned to Target House for good, following his last inpatient stay at St. Jude (barring unexpected events, of course).

Continue reading Out of the Nest

Home Sweet St. Jude

Life doesn’t offer real do-overs, but there are times when an experience follows the parallel track of something that has come before. Continue reading Home Sweet St. Jude

I’m In!

The news of the impending loss of Colin’s port was sobering, but we put it behind us as we launched into the holiday weekend.

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Continue reading I’m In!

The Best Laid Plans…

With surgery set for Wednesday, Monday was a big prep day for Colin, but he demonstrated yet again that our careful planning can be rendered irrelevant by the result of a single blood culture. Continue reading The Best Laid Plans…

The Sky is Falling!

Oh, wait. That’s just snow.

Target House Elephants: Normally, this is a fountain, and through the holidays the pachyderms were adorned with white lights.
Target House Elephants: Normally, this is a fountain, and through the holidays the pachyderms were adorned with white lights.

Continue reading The Sky is Falling!