See Our Improvements!

Colin Loves Tractors is a site devoted to the treatment of our 2-year-old son Colin for a brain tumor. We continue to enhance this web site to replace As we work away, please let us know about problems you may have — especially registration or notification of new updates — or ideas regarding functionality you would like see (no promises here).

Some new features/improvements:

  • Double click any word or phrase for a quick dictionary/Wiki/Google search
  • Give a thumbs up on an update to show your support (rather than full comment, if you’re feeling shy)
  • Starting to add photo galleries and videos, finally
  • Updates end with links to “similar” updates
  • Repaired the Registration page

Thanks for your support!

16 thoughts on “See Our Improvements!”

  1. We hope you had a nice Christmas and New Year – wondering if the kids got our gifts. And what the status is on Colin’s upcoming surgery…Our thought and prayers are with all of you – as always!
    After seeing the St. Jude’s TV Special – i became a Partner in Hope!!
    Wishing you the best
    Keep fighting Colin!!
    Brenda and Miss Jessica

  2. Grrr, the photos. There are two issues I have to resolve (first, upload limits on size of photos, or else we have to resize; second, understanding the photo management plug-in). But this is actually one of the reasons we started our own site! There is a limit on CarePages on the number of photos.

  3. This is completely operator error. I can’t blame technology. I have to check off a box when I am adding archived items so an alert doesn’t go out, and sometimes I forget. Sorry! Yes, the wayback machine is interesting. I can’t imagine having Colin diaperless with cheeks greeting the world given his current level of activity, not to mention hydration!

  4. what happened to all the photos – i miss them
    prayers and thoughts are with all of you
    keep fighting Colin!!

  5. The notifications seems to be working fine for new posts, but sometimes I’ve gotten notifications for old items you were probably adding to the archive – most recently ‘Signs and Omens’ on Nov. 4. (Weird to click on it an suddenly go into a Wayback Machine where you’re at NYU – but it’s remarkable to be reminded of how far Colin has come from those days.)

  6. Thanks for the info on the notifications; this is one of the areas that it’s hard for us to know without hearing back from people. I’ll work on it soon. 🙂

  7. I’m getting the CarePages notifications, but not this site’s email notifications. However, my Google homepage RSS feed seems to work fine, new entries show up upon sign-in. Given that I mostly rely on my Gmail for outside world communiques, this is only a half-success. RSS is better than none, though.

  8. When you sign up for access, you are automatically signed up as a subscriber; the site automatically sends out an email notification that there is a new post. If this isn’t working for you, please let me know. We won’t phase out CarePages until we’re sure that this site works correctly and has the full archives. We are considering the best way of preserving comments from the original site.

  9. How do I sign up to get email notification of updates to this site, when the CarePages site goes away?

    Strength to you.

    Heather Gilmer

  10. May be you can have the address you are at and update it as you move to different parts of the country. A lot of people have been asking me about getting your current address.

    Thank you. Riye

  11. Beta:
    The second letter in the Greek alphabet?

    The name of a star?

    I’m not sure if this is relevant, but the first update notice I got from the new website was today. I realized I was far behind and went back to catch up.

    I was impressed by Dr. Wisoff’s interview. He seems like a caring person as well as an excellent doctor. I know you are in good hands.

    I was touched by Colin’s concern for another patient. He seems like such a sweetheart.

    You and the fam are in my prayers. I think a lot about Aidan. This is a hard time for him and it is clear you are doing you best to help him feel normal in an abnormal situation. I’m glad your back in NYC. That alone must make you feel a little more at home. At least the city is a familiar place.
    Love, Diana

  12. where are all the pictures of colin and aiden and the family?? can you post them on this site?


  13. 10:00 A.M. Sunday, 1o/25/09 Woodbury

    For the first time, since you repaired my registration on ( 10/24/09, this morning, this entry appeared under “MOM” in my MSOUTLOOK INBOX. It is obviously undated, but appears to be archival history from NYU with former references to DR. Wisof.

    It might be helpful, when importing CAREPAGES.COM archives, to tag and carry original entry dates as well.

    It appears this is only an archival import. The first-time-appearing MOM ALERT lacked that time perspective.


  14. You don’t really know me. My husband and I met you in Valhalla (Children’s Hospital) shortly after Colin’s diagnosis. Our daughter was in to correct a congenital heart defect.
    I anxiously read all of your updates to learn of Colin’s progress. I think of you every day. I send healing thoughts to Colin and your family as often. -Sincerely.

  15. Hi Colin, Aiden, Mom and Dad! It was a pleasure meeting and photographing Colin and family at the Target House Picture Day. He’s such an awesome little rock star. Blessings to you and your family little man!


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